
Format of the agricultural development state program needs correction

The article substantiates the expediency of improving the format of state programs for the development ofagriculture, as well as methods for preparing and evaluating their implementation. Necessity of this is caused by manyfactors: in the implementation of programs involved authorities and business entities, which requires a clear indica-tion of the role and responsibility of the parties; the decisive role in the fulfillment ofplanned indicators belongs to therules of the game, but the program does not provide for a fullfledged system of measures to optimize them; programtargets are not properly tied to the potential of rural areas; the methodology for evaluating the performance of pro-grams does not provide for the adoption of penalties for persons who have not achieved the planned targets, etc. Itwas noted that the countries that occupy leading positions in the sphere of rural economy and the quality of life of therural population managed to achieve high results only after replacing the sectoral model of rural development with aterritorial one, which presupposes consideration and solution of rural problems in a single complex. On this basis, itwas concluded that the increase in the efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture in programs should be consideredonly as one of the conditions for the socio-economic development of the village. The proposals aimed at improving theformat, methodology for developing and evaluating the implementation of state programs for the development of agriculture are given.

Assessment of the competitiveness of regions with agricultural specialization (for instance, the regions of the southern federal district)

The article substantiates that decisionmaking on rendering state support to regions should be carried outon the basis of an analysis of the dynamics of competitiveness of territories. A method for calculating the integral index of competitiveness of regions is proposed, including the selection justified and the weight ofpotentials characterizing agricultural specialization determined. An assessment of the competitiveness dynamics of the regions of theSouthern Federal District in 2008-2016 is given, showing that the prospects for their sustainable development arelargely determined by the potential for realizing domestic sources of economic growth, which is the agricultural complex of the regions. Based on the calculations, a rating of the regions of the Southern Federal District was compiled interms of the integral competitiveness indicator. Three groups of regions have been identified in terms of the specificityof the realization of the potential of the regional agricultural complex: food export centers; growth centers for agri-cultural production; centers of domestic demand. For each group of territories, priority areas of a differentiated regional policy have been developed, ensuring the transformation of regions with agricultural specialization into centers of economic growth, making a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Southern Feder-al District and the Russian Federation. The results of the study can be used in developing strategies for the spatialdevelopment of Russia and its subjects, as well as government programs aimed at ensuring and improving the competitiveness of regions with agricultural specialization.