
Issue № 10, October 2018, article № 18

Analysis of the structure and quality assessment of the produced grain

The current state of Russian Federation grain industry, the dynamics of grain produced structure for foodand feed purposes are analyzed in the article over the past ten years. The main production trends are revealed, theshares change of the grain crops main types in the grain produced general structure are assessed over the tenyearperiod. Wheat was singled out separately as the main export crop, the dynamics of its export was considered over thepast five years against the background of record grain yields for the last time. The produced wheat grain qualitativeassessment is given for the same period, consisting in an annual significant reduction of the highest categories valuegrain and the prevalence offourth and fifth grades in the grain production structure. The main production trends arerevealed, which consist in the grain structure formation strictly in accordance with the market conditions oriented tothe sales markets, where consist grain quality low standards. The Russian grain main consumers in the world marketare considered. The structure of feed grain production is considered, and this structure does not meet the scientificallybased standards for feeding animals due to the lack of cooperation between scientific and business structures. Thenutritional properties of wheat for livestock feed are compared with other cereal crops, the advantages are revealed inusing rations with barley and oats. The feed grains balance recommendations are made, aimed at increasing the shareof barley, maize and legumes in the production structure, as well as reducing the wheat share. Recommendations aregiven for improving the produced grain quality, consolidation the financial flows from the grain export for using themas part of strengthening the grain farming internal infrastructure as a cooperative movement.