
Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 14

Types and factors of innovative processes affecting the effective development of agriculture of russia

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in recent years began to intensify innovative processes in the field of agriculture (hereinafter, agribusiness), which create conditions for scientific and technological progress of the industry, increasing production and, consequently, consumption of agricultural products. The development and implementation of innovations in the production of agriculture in Russia is almost entirely owned by the largest and most advanced agricultural producers, which in the development of innovations receive a certain economic effect, resulting in additional output per unit area, reducing costs per unit of production, obtaining additional income. Currently, there is a significant growth of foreign technologies used in agriculture in Russia, which not only suppresses the development of national innovation policy and applied science in the field of agriculture, but also poses a serious threat to the food security of the country in the event of technical and technological dependence on foreign developments. In our opinion, import substitution is directly related to the effective functioning of the Russian agroindustrial complex, which largely depends on the degree of innovative development of the industry, and the creation of conditions for the innovative development of the agroindustrial complex is the most important goal of the strategy for the development of agricultural production in Russia. Thus, the introduction of innovations makes it possible to effectively use the material and technical potential in agriculture for the production of agricultural products and to withstand Russia in conditions of increasing global competition, ensuring the food security of the country. The aim of the study was to determine the features, conditions and factors offurther development of the agro-industrial complex of Russia on the basis of innovation. The main results of the study is the author's generalization of the views of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the innovative scientific and technological development of the agro-industrial complex. According to the results of the study: the author's definition of «innovation»; the classification of innovations in the agricultural sector is presented, and three of their main types are identified; the complex of legislative and organizational measures aimed at creating and maintaining the «innovative climate» in foreign countries (on the example of the European Union) is considered; the mechanisms and elements of stimulation and regulation of innovative development in the EU are analyzed; the main directions of development of the state innovation policy of Russia in the sphere are presented; the features of the innovation process in the agroindustrial complex are considered; the constraining factors of innovative development of the Russian agroindustrial complex are highlighted.

Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 1

Methodology of scenario forecasting of scientific and technological development of crop production until 2030

Scenario forecasting method tailored to crop production, gives the answer to such questions as the definition of possible trajectories of development of the industry, identifying the effects of regulatory influence of the state, and also solves the problem of reducing certainty when making decisions in the rapidly changing environment of the industry. As a result of scenario forecasting, it becomes possible to identify priority areas of scientific and technological development of the industry, «end-to-end» technologies (key scientific and technical areas that have the most significant impact on the development of new markets, new markets for means of production and final products, etc.). The process of developing scenarios of scientific and technological development of the crop sector should be based on three factors of production: labor (human resources), capital (investment and means of production) and land, as they are all involved in the production of crop products. This article highlights two most likely scenarios of scientific and technological development of the crop sector until 2030: «Technological adaptation», determined by the preservation of existing trends in scientific and technological development, sustainable positive dynamics of production of most crops, imports of basic technologies of crop production, etc. and «Technological breakthrough» - a scenario aimed at achieving leadership positions in certain areas of scientific and technological development of crop production and changing the structure of cultivated and exported crops. In «pure form» these scenarios will not be implemented and the scenario «Technological adaptation» will become the basis and the initial stage of the scenario «Technological breakthrough». The latter will be implemented gradually only after the first scenario is fully implemented until 2025. Ключевые слова: научно-технологическое развитие, растениеводство, сценарии, технологии, технологическая адаптация, технологический рывок.

Issue № 3, March 2019, article № 8

On the issue of technical and technological modernization of the agricultural sector of russia

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the state economic policy of Russia is aimed at gradually reducing the dependence of the domestic agro-industrial complex both on the import of food products and on the import of foreign high-performance equipment and technologies. The aim of the study was to consider the theoretical issues of technical and technological modernization related to its goals and objectives in agriculture, as well as the role in the innovative development of the agro-industrial sector. The methodological basis of the study was a review, analysis and generalization of the works of domestic scientists on the technical and technological modernization of the agro-industrial complex. As the main methods of research were used: the method of theoretical knowledge, monographic, analytical, as well as additional: historical and method of scientific abstraction. System and logical approaches were applied. The main result of the study is the author's generalization of the views of leading domestic scientists on the technical and technological modernization of the agro-industrial complex. According to the results of the study: the author presents the definition of technical and technological modernization; presents the goals and objectives of technical and technological modernization in agriculture; considered technological structures in the agroindustrial complex.