
Issue № 7, July 2019, article № 7

Foreign experience of innovative development of agricultural industries based on technology platforms

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that, to ensure the normal functioning of any sector of the economy, it must be provided with infrastructure, which is a set of institutions that provide participants with access to various resources, creating favorable conditions and providing a variety of services that reduce the total cost of obtaining the result of intellectual activity and its commercialization. It should be noted that since 70-80-ies ХХ century in technologically advanced countries, including the European Union, began to actively spread various forms of joint research aimed mainly at ensuring major technological breakthroughs. One of these institutional forms is technology platforms, which have been widely developed in the European Union, based on the development of innovative technologies and the strengthening of cooperation between science and industry, public authorities and society. Within the framework of the EU technology platforms, it became possible for the participants to: carry out research that could not be carried out independently due to significant costs and risks; distribute the costs of scientific research among the participants; unite the participants of scarce labor and material resources for the implementation and commercialization of scientific developments. Thus, European technology platforms (hereinafter, ETPs) are interested forums (platforms) uniting research organizations, business and government structures for the purpose of research and development, transfer of innovation and transfer of knowledge and, ultimately, the creation of new jobs and economic growth of the European Union. The aim of the study was to review the practical experience of the creation, development and activities of European technology platforms in the agricultural sector.

Issue № 7, July 2019, article № 10

Financial resources of agricultural organizations are an important part of agri-food policy

Financial resources have always occupied an important place in the economic mechanism of enterprises, while being a source of coverage, both current costs and purchased fixed assets. At the same time, for more dynamic development of agriculture, financial resources are not enough. There are several reasons for that. On the one hand, the growth of own sources is limited by the disparity of prices for the products sold, on the other hand, the availability and low cost of credit resources have not been ensured to date. State support, as a attracted source of financing, occupies a small share in the structure of sources of financing of agricultural organizations. The current system of withdrawal of part of the profits due to the disparity of prices for products sold and purchased means of production significantly limit the reproductive potential of agricultural organizations. The current system of lending, despite the positive changes, also do not contribute to the development of the reproductive function of agricultural organizations, not to mention the creation of new industries. In the developed countries of the world, credit issues contribute to both the availability of credit resources and the cheapening of the cost of finished products. It is obvious that in this regard, it is necessary to fully compensate the cost of credit resources by the state, increase their volume and availability.

Issue № 7, July 2019, article № 13

Prerequisites and key factors of territorial growth placement and development of corn grain production in russia

The relevance of the research topic is to identify and summarize the main prerequisites and key factors that indicate the economic feasibility of further increasing the production of corn grain in Russia, including due to the growth of territorial distribution of crops, improving domestic seed production, farm specialization and other measures. The focus of the article is on increasing the distribution of maize crops for grain in new regions of the country, particularly in the Crimea, on increasing the gross grain harvest in the Far East, in Tatarstan and in other regions cultivating this valuable culture. The problem of the domestic development of seed production for the production of early ripe drought and frost-resistant seeds and hybrids of maize and the reduction to a minimum of their foreign products has been brought up to date. The aim of the study was to analyze the current status of the placement of corn crops in our country, the yields achieved and the total harvest over the years and to prepare proposals for the near future for their further development, which is the main results of this work. The key conclusion of the work is that Russia has all the necessary prerequisites, given the high yield of corn for grain and silage, its profitability (with a yield of 50 c / ha - 65‰, and at 80 c / ha - at least 130‰), the need to ensure high-grade feeds of developing livestock and poultry production, increase the export grain potential, purposefully increase the territorial distribution of corn in new regions of the country, or their share in the total crops of grain and leguminous crops.