
Issue № 8, August 2019, article № 3

Modern problems and prospects of development of fishing fleet of russia

The state of the main production assets of the fishing fleet, port infrastructure and processing plants is characterized by a high degree of moral and physical deterioration, which hinders the further development of the entire fishery complex, not allowing the extraction of aquatic biological resources of all kinds in the waters of the inland seas, not to mention the open Conventional waters of the World ocean. The change in the current situation requires a radical change in the investment policy of the construction of new modern trawlers, vessels for research and development in various open parts of the World ocean, the renovation of infrastructure and logistics, the creation of modern re-developing coastal industries with a high degree of diversification of production. The change in the current situation will be decided by the state in the context of the application of the norms of the Federal law of July 3, 2016. № 349 "On amendments to the Federal law "On fisheries and conservation of aquatic biological resources", which provides for the introduction of investment quotas. The law revised the system of quotas of catch of water biological resources, provided by governmental investment objectives for the implementation of industrial fishery and coastal-tion of fisheries. In pursuance of this law, the state applies the instrument of investment quotas, according to which the Russian company and the shipyard conclude a transaction providing for the allocation by the state of a certain amount of catch of aquatic biological resources, and the fishing company at its own expense undertakes the construction of a vessel at the Russian shipyard. The list of types of aquatic biological resources in certain areas of catch, requirements for investment objects and investment projects, the procedure for calculating the provision is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, it also establishes the procedure for submitting applications, the procedure for selecting investment projects and the procedure for distributing the "investment quota".