
Issue № 12, December 2019, article № 17

Export of russian potato and its processing products

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that Russia is one of the world leaders in potato production, with an annual production volume of about 30 million tons. A certain contribution to the profitability of the sub-sector is made by the export component, since the export of potatoes from Russia in 2018 amounted to 140 thousand tons, and the maximum volume of potato exports was reached in 2016, which amounted to 215 thousand tons. A significant part of the products produced from potatoes in Russia are exported, including chips, potato flakes, potato flour, French fries and starch. According to the authors, one of the most promising export products of potato processing is potato starch. First, the production and consumption of starch in the world increases annually. The global demand for starch is growing by an average of 4‰ per year. In developed countries, the consumption of starch per capita is about 2.6 kg per year, in Russia this figure is at the level of 1 kg. secondly, the volume of the Russian market of potato starch is estimated at 28 thousand. t, which is 60-70‰ provided by imports, or in quantitative terms, about 17-20 thousand tons of starch annually. Third, the main advantage of potato starch is its high quality, due to its chemical purity, high potential viscosity, good taste of the paste, as well as the comparative simplicity and availability of its production technology. Moreover, export prices for potato starch are 10-15‰ higher than starch produced from grain raw materials. Consequently, potato starch is a highly sought-after product, both in the domestic and global markets. Russia has all the opportunities to develop potato starch exports abroad without compromising the country's food security.

Issue № 12, December 2019, article № 19

Russian dairy product market: basic product categories and features of consumption

The Russian market of dairy products is in the focus of attention of both domestic and foreign researchers. In 2014, European dairy producers were forced to leave the Russian market with heavy losses, but they did not lose interest in it. At the moment, the trends of its development are monitored by foreign analysts due to the fact that Russia has the potential to become a major exporter of dairy products. Their work notes that the goal of the Russian government and dairy producers is to become completely independent of imports. In general, in 2019, the global dairy market has positive trends due to rising prices for dry dairy products and butter. Among the main trends in the development of the market around the world should be noted the growing popularity of healthy protein and flavored dairy products, as well as products with low sugar content. There is a growing demand for milk from other dairy animals (sheep, camel, buffalo). But the trends in the development of the Russian dairy market have quite significant differences from the global ones. In Russia, as well as in developed countries, increasing interest in healthy dairy products, but the demand is negatively affected by the low level of income. The main dairy product for Russians is drinking milk, the share of which for several years is 50‰ in physical terms and about 30‰ in value terms. In 2012-2017, the share of sales costs increased in the cost of production of drinking milk, while there was a decrease in the share of production costs and raw materials. The Russian market of dairy products can grow significantly if the income of Russians will increase.

Issue № 12, December 2019, article № 24

Factor analysis of the state of the agrarian economy of the regions of the north-caucasian federal district

The agrarian economy of Russia consists of the totality of the results of the activities of its federal districts, which are involved in agricultural production to one degree or another. A distinctive feature of the North Caucasus Federal District (North-Caucasian Federal District) is the predominant orientation of the economy of its eight regions on the agricultural economy. Therefore, the achievement of sustainable development by the constituent entities of the District is a necessary condition not only for the growth of its economy, but also for the agrarian economy of Russia as a whole. This is facilitated by the presence in the North Caucasus Federal District of a powerful natural resource potential that provides the necessary conditions for the production of a variety of agricultural products, often unique. An assessment of the state of the agrarian economy in the regions of the Okrug and a comparative analysis of their use of their existing agro-resource potential showed the following. Lack of incentive measures. adopted in recent years at the federal, regional and local levels, have not yet led to the neutralization of its negative economic and social trends. With the overall relatively low efficiency of the agricultural economy of the District, significant differences of an inter-regional nature are noted. To a large extent, they are due to the specifics of the natural resource potential accumulated here and the degree of economic management. Their analysis is necessary for the identification and practical implementation of unused reserves for sustainable development of the agricultural economy of the regions of the North-Caucasian Federal District.