
Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 2

The main directions of ensuring economic security in the conditions of anti-crisis management of agricultural formations

One of the conditions for the successful activity of agro-industrial complex enterprises is the development of a system to ensure their economic security and its further implementation to level out the negative consequences of the ongoing economic crisis in the country. The problem of ensuring economic security in the conditions of anti-crisis management occupies a central place in the activity of any enterprise, on the solution of which depends its place in agricultural production, as well as the financial state of agricultural formation and its competitiveness in the market. Today, enterprises operating in the system of agro-industrial complex have to not only adapt to the current conditions of political and socio-economic instability, but also to search for adequate management solutions aimed at reducing threats to the functioning of enterprises and improving their economic security. However, the scientific literature does not pay enough attention to the problem of economic security of agrarian formations in the conditions of anti-crisis management. The research has shown that the main problems of ensuring economic security of agrarian formations in the south of Rostov region are: conservative financial policy, which led to imbalance of the structure of capital of enterprises, a sharp increase in accounts receivable of enterprises, a deep shortage of funds, the lack of full-scale planning and forecasting, and, finally, the lack of a mechanism of profit distribution. For elimination of the revealed problems the following measures have been developed: optimization of structures of the enterprise assets and sources of their formation, development of the system of management of liquidity, solvency and financial stability of agrarian formations, development of the mechanism of distribution of their profit, realization of complex planning and forecasting of activity of enterprises. Problems revealed in the course of the research hinder the achievement of goals related to the improvement of economic security of agrarian entities in the conditions of crisis management. Reasonable combination of the proposed measures to improve the level of economic security of agricultural enterprises will improve their financial situation and create conditions for sustainable development of rural areas.

Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 3

Land and labor potential for expansion of agricultural production

Present-day there are two biggest problems in the Russian countryside closely related to each other: reduction of the rural population, abandonment of rural settlements and withdrawal of land from agricultural production and their overgrowth. In this article, the authors attempt to study the main socio-economic factors of the country's regions, in order to compare these two negative processes and assess the contrast of their development depending on the subject (constituent entity) of the Russian Federation and its agro climatic conditions. The paper compares the indicator of possible potential production growth in the agricultural sector due to the involvement of unused old arable land into production with a number of factors characterizing the socio-economic conditions of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The choice of factors is because domestic consumer demand for agricultural products is the most reliable driving factor in the development of agricultural production. As a result, the authors highlighted depressed administrative regions with strongly developed negative processes, as well as regions where an increase in production is more likely. To solve problems in depressed regions, complex measures are required, which include the active interaction of the state and business, the creation of agro-industrial and forestry clusters with the provision of logistic access for rural residents to jobs, local and regional centers of civilization.

Issue № 1, January 2020, article № 10

Financial balance of agricultural enterprises as the basis of their stability and sustainable development

The study of financial equilibrium and balanced state of particular elements of reproduction systems in the conditions of innovative development of the economy. The article emphasizes the emphasis on building a financial system for agrarian formations and methodological recommendations for assessing their financial balance. The systems approach is defined as direction of scientific knowledge, functioning of a corporate institute as a system, which focuses on the disclosure of its structure, integrity and properties, identification of diverse relationships, organization of internal business processes and with elements of the external environment. The financial system agricultural sector should be considered as an aggregate and sustainable ratio of institutions of the financial and non-financial sectors, financial markets, also as financial and information resources that are in certain financial relations, with the dominant participation of the managing unit (human capital) and implementing a single whole to achieve the strategic targets, tasks and financial policy of the state. It is revealed that the moving equilibrium of the system is maintained by the management unit through effective planning and control. However, the financial system is very dynamic, its transition to a new state is fast, because its parameters, structural relations, communications are changing. At the same time, they closely interact both with each other and with the external environment, which has an impact on their balance. In this case, the system can restore its parameters to its original state. Indicators of financial equilibrium of commercial organizations include: balance of certain types of liquid assets and liabilities; rate and interrelation of reserves and costs and sources of their formation, cash and non-financial assets, equity and debt capital, positive and negative cash flow. The system approach can be used, in our opinion, also to analyze and evaluate the financial system agricultural sector of a higher hierarchical level. In this case, only the composition of the elements, their structure, relations and connections, system parameters, and its individual properties are changing. Only fundamental characteristics of the system remain unchanged: state, behavior, equilibrium, stability and development.