
Issue № 5, May 2024, article № 11


The development of agriculture in Russia over the past decade has shown steady growth rates and a high degree of adaptation to macroeconomic and geopolitical factors. State support for the industry is focused on the technological and infrastructural modernization of agribusiness and takes into account the volume of production and the socio-economic situation in rural areas, which in many regions of the country have agricultural specialization. Natural and climatic conditions are crucial in the formation of prerequisites for the development of crop production and animal husbandry. The southern regions of Russia have traditionally held leading positions in agriculture, however, a number of features due to the socio-economic state have an equally important impact on the key indicators of the industry. The article is devoted to determining the directions of agricultural development, taking into account the influence of the socio-economic state of the country's regions, specialization, limitations and peculiarities of the organization of production. A management system for the development of the industry is proposed, which can be adapted for various administrative-territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. Despite the differentiation of the operating conditions of agricultural enterprises in the regions of the country, it is possible to identify common areas and problems, the regulation of which will make a positive contribution to the intensification of the growth rates of certain financial and economic indicators, including effects on territories, population and business.

Issue № 5, May 2024, article № 12


Agglomerations in rural areas represent a mutually beneficial form of management based on the effective use of a set of labor, land, financial, and information resources for the purpose of sustainable socio-economic development of regions and the country, its territorial integrity and national security. Being a complex socio-economic system, a rural agglomeration allows the use of systems approach and system analysis methods, and the methodology of its formation is based on the study of the prerequisites for the formation, development, application of methodological and methodological approaches to assess the synergistic effect of the combined impact of internal and external factors on the agglomeration system. In this regard, one of the most important tasks in studying the processes of formation, development and management of agglomerations is to determine the main factors, stages and directions of their development. Since the rural agglomeration is a complex system, it is also necessary to identify possible problems and negative restrictions on their development; consider the content of possible management models based on a program approach. Another important task in the formation of agglomeration in rural areas is to highlight the main directions for increasing management efficiency, taking into account: interaction between local authorities and business structures; building relationships with public organizations; aggregation of a system of management methods for individual municipalities into a general management structure; formation of a unified information space when introducing innovative developments and techniques; improvement of the material and technical base of management and socio-cultural sphere. Being a complex socio-economic system of research of rural agglomerations based on a systems approach and system analysis, it should include system-functional, system-structural and system-structural approaches, component analysis with the inherent principles of hierarchy, formalizability, modelability, goal-orientation, regularity, integrability, which determines relevance of the presented research. Since a rural agglomeration, like any complex system, functions under the influence of external and internal factors, a comprehensive assessment of their combined influence is necessary, and the development of management models and mechanisms should be carried out taking into account the efficiency of functioning of the participants in the rural agglomeration.

Issue № 5, May 2024, article № 15


In the Russian agro-industrial complex, the urgent problem is to ensure the competitive advantage of enterprises in the field of agricultural production, which can be achieved through the rapid development of modern innovative technologies. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has implemented the “Digital Agriculture” project, the goal of which is to introduce digital technologies and platform solutions in Russian agricultural production. A unified digital platform has been created, which is a unique innovative product of the Russian agro-industrial complex, which will help improve the efficiency of agricultural production through the use of precision farming methods and yield forecasting. Russian government agencies, for the first time in history, have an effective economic mechanism for monitoring financial resources issued to agricultural organizations, which in the future will increase the level of transparency of their issuance for all market participants. A unique digital control system will provide Russia with a technological breakthrough in the development of agricultural production. The Chechen Republic is at the forefront of the processes of introducing digital solutions in the field of agricultural development in Russia. The introduction of innovative technologies at agricultural enterprises of the Chechen Republic ensured not only their survival in the country's food markets, but also allowed many of them to achieve leading positions in the country's agricultural industry. During the period from 2015 to 2021, the volume of agricultural products produced in the Chechen Republic, calculated in all categories of farms in actual prices, increased by more than 2.5 times and amounted to 45 billion rubles in 2021. The growth of production in the agro-industrial complex of the Chechen Republic was achieved through the use of modern innovative technologies by agricultural enterprises. In the long-term period, in order to accelerate the dynamics of innovation in the agro-industrial complex of the Chechen Republic, it is necessary to achieve a significant increase in the production of high-tech industries, increase investments in fixed capital, and implement social projects in the agricultural sector. An important source of investment could be the Regional Public Fund named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, which takes an active part in the implementation of infrastructure projects in the region.

Issue № 5, May 2024, article № 20


Peasant (farm) farms (hereinafter referred to as K(F)X) represent a special group of agricultural producers, which account for a significant part of the volume of agricultural products produced. In addition to the production function, K(F)X play an important role in the social development of the village. In this regard, the study of the dynamics of the number and income of farms is of great scientific and practical interest. Agricultural census data and ACCOR statistics indicate a decrease in the number of farms, while at the same time there are processes of their enlargement (areas of agricultural land; cattle per farm). The first reason for the decline is the reduction in the number of rural population, the second reason is the unfavorable business conditions compared to agricultural organizations, including difficulties in obtaining preferential financial resources. The analysis of trends and factors of the decline in the number of K(F)X allowed the authors to make forecast estimates of the number and average incomes of K(F)X for the period from 2024 to 2030. In accordance with the fulfilled forecasts of the number of K(F)X and IP in the medium term, the number of registered farms will decrease to 107 thousand farms by 2030. Along with the decrease in the number of farms, the processes of their consolidation and profitability growth are underway, which is associated with the need to strengthen their own positions in competition with agricultural enterprises. To calculate the average incomes of K(F)X, the ratio of the volume of agricultural production in K(F)X and IP in actual prices to the number of farms was used. The analysis showed that, calculated in this way, the deflated average income per farm for the period from 2001 to 2023 increased from 419 thousand rubles to 4536.8 thousand rubles (or 10.8 times). In accordance with the fulfilled forecasts of income of K(F)X and IP in the medium term, the average income of a farm by 2030 will increase by 1.23 times to 5.6 million rubles.