

The article presents the analysis results of agricultural, food and trade organizations at the regional level. They are divided into business entities with the allocation of large, medium, small and micro organizations, according to the criterion "sales revenue". Information support – database of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for 2020-2022 for 85 constituent regions of the Russia. The study tested the hypothesis about the consistency of their development as participants in agri-food chains (AOCs). For these purposes, indicators, characterizing the socio-economic orientation of economic activity (the size of the average monthly salary, profitability of sales and tax burden), were used. A statistical assessment of the regional and interregional rate of change (shift) in the development of agricultural, food and trade organizations was carried out. The index method, building ratings, calculating indicators of variation and correlation analysis were the methods of the study. Statistical methods based on the calculation of the Kendall concordance coefficient and calculating Spearman rank correlation were used to determine the consistency of the score and the relationship between indicators. Differentiation in the regions distribution, according to the level of change rate consistency in indicators, that characterizing the intersectoral interaction effectiveness, was identified. Depending on the ratio of large, medium and small organizations, the level of change rate consistency of the analyzed indicators in each region varies: from high to critically low.


Structural changes in the global agricultural sector and agri-food systems, both at the global and national levels, are associated with the impact of a number of factors. The main one is the increase in demand for food, which, in turn, is due to various reasons: an increase in the world population, urbanization, rapid economic growth of developing economies, changes in diet. According to FAO forecasts, the world's population will reach 10 billion by 2050. Man, this will lead to a significant increase in the demand for food. The main population growth in the second half of the twentieth century occurred in China and the countries of East Asia and the Pacific region, later it gradually shifted to sub-Saharan Africa, as well as South Asia. Currently, the population growth rate in these regions is 3 times higher than in the world. Between 2000 and 2020, the global population increased by 46%, and food consumption, measured in kcal/day, increased by 38% globally during the same period. Another important factor causing the transformation of agri-food systems is urbanization. In the modern world, migration of the population from rural areas to cities is one of the main features of the process of structural transformations in the agricultural sector. Urbanization increases the overall demand for food, since it has been found that urban households spend more money per capita (PPP) on food purchases than rural household: urban households spend – $2,628, rural households – $916. Urbanization is also changing the diet, urban residents consume more animal products, which affects the structure of agricultural production. Food patterns are changing in cities, fast food (fast food) is becoming increasingly popular, which, as a rule, is more high-calorie, but little useful. Thus, the processes of urbanization affect the development of agri-food systems, both at the national and global levels.


The article considers the issues of lending development. Lending plays one of the key roles in the economic mechanism of the agro-industrial complex. The author analyzes the main factors influencing the lending processes in the agricultural sector of the economy in modern conditions. It is emphasized that the growth of inflation at present is mainly due to an increase in production costs, which are largely due to the rise in prices of resource-providing monopolies and additional costs arising from the import of products due to sanctions restrictions. A significant increase in the key rate contributes not only to the "cooling of the economy", but also to an even greater increase in inflation, an increase in the cost of borrowed resources, a decrease in investment activity, and therefore ensuring technological sovereignty. The article analyzes lending in the context of individual sectors of the agro-industrial complex, emphasizing that in 2023 there was a decrease in credit activity in the agro-industrial complex. The regional specifics of the distribution of credit resources in the production of food products, the production of agricultural machinery and equipment, and in the agricultural sector are revealed. The study of the dynamics of lending by constituent entities of the federation made it possible to identify the main trends, as well as to determine the leading and outsider regions. The article grouped the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by the volume of agricultural lending per 1 hectare of agricultural land. It is emphasized that the volume of lending per 1 hectare of agricultural land differs by more than 20 times in the leading regions from the outsider regions. In order to form an effectively functioning market for agricultural products, raw materials and food, the state, within the framework of the State Program, stimulates the development of short-term and investment lending in the agro-industrial complex. At the same time, due to the current budget constraints, in 2024, changes were made to the preferential mechanism of agricultural lending, as a result of which the economic availability of credit resources will further deteriorate, which will significantly complicate the current and investment activities of commodity producers. In modern conditions, lending to the agro-industrial complex should be based on the principles of strategic planning and forecasting, focusing on promising growth points.


The article is devoted to the analysis of agricultural insurance and the assessment of its role in ensuring the sustainability of reproductive processes in agriculture. The volume of the agricultural insurance market remains insufficient at present. Agricultural producers have little interest in insurance due to the low level of insurance indemnity payments and the relatively high cost of insurance services. In agricultural insurance with state support, there is a disparity in the use of monetary resources, as a result of which most of the insurance premium paid by insurers’ remains in the reserves of insurance companies. This situation is explained by the inflated level of insurance tariffs, which do not take into account the real probability of occurrence of insurance events and the amount of damage. As a result, the level of payments is low. It is necessary to develop insurance tariffs calculated on the basis of objective data on the probability of occurrence of insured events and the amount of loss over a long period of observation. The insurance programs currently in force: multi-risk and in case of emergency situations (emergencies) do not sufficiently ensure the restoration of reproductive processes in agriculture. It is necessary to improve agricultural insurance models and insurance techniques in the direction of increasing the level of insurance damage coverage. When insuring crops, the amount of the insured amount should be set at a higher level in relation to the insured value and the maximum deductible level should be reduced to 20 percent. It seems advisable to carry out agricultural insurance with state support through a specially created state insurance company.