
Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 3

Organizational and economic mechanism for providing credit guarantees to small and medium-sized businesses in Finland

The article analyzes the experience of Finland in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the basis of providing state guarantees for loans from financial organizations. The organizational and economic mechanism of providing state guarantees is considered. The system of guaranteeing loans to small and medium-sized businesses in Finland is based on the current legislation on the functioning of special state guarantee, financial and insurance funds and companies. The provision of state guarantees to SMEs is carried out through a special state financial company "Finnvera" (Finnvera), which is the official export credit agency of Finland (ECA). The company's share capital is fully owned by the state. The company's activities are built on self-sufficiency. The state subsidizes Finnvera, including for operations related to the compensation of losses on guaranteed loans. The company's management is based on strict control by the state and public organizations over the distribution of financial resources and decision-making on financing SMEs, which contributes to the fulfillment of the company's statutory tasks. The company closely cooperates with creditor banks on the basis of concluding agreements. The company has a wide range of warranty products designed for the creation and development of small and medium-sized businesses. The creation of the state guarantee company has contributed to the development of small businesses in Finland, which today provides production of 50% of GDP. SMEs employ 50% of all employees in the country, and up to 60% of new jobs are created annually with their help. The article considers the organizational and legal aspects of the development of the national guarantee system for supporting small and medium-sized businesses in Russia.

Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 6

Food security and graph models for sustainable development of AIC

The paper considers the problem of food security with the use of graph models and its use to solve the problems of sustainable development. The method of applying graph models for ensuring food security and sustainable development is demonstrated. Several options are considered, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, has its own scope of application in the study of the problem of sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex. The development of Dagestan is characterized by an extraordinary variety of natural and climatic conditions, significant differences in the economic development and specialization of individual regions, and an ethnic diversity of the population that is not found anywhere else in Russia. As is known from the theory of sustainable development, diversity is a necessary condition for the sustainability of the agro ecosystem, but in order to ensure sustainable development, it is necessary to be able to intelligently use this diversity, using the synergistic influence of individual factors. Therefore, for Dagestan, the task of reasonable management of the existing diversity is urgent, and to solve it, it is necessary to find the right combination of various factors and components that ensure sustainable development. It is obvious that the more complex and diverse the object of research, the more useful system analysis and model approach can be. The novelty of the study is that two target functions are set at once: food security and sustainable development.

Issue № 8, August 2021, article № 9

Diversification of the economy of the starch-packing industry based on deep processing of starch-containing raw materials

Modern requirements of an innovative economy to the processing sector of agricultural raw materials should be guided by waste-free resource-saving processing technologies, greening production and conservation of nature, this is the philosophy of deep processing technology. Only by laying these principles of work in the basis of economic activity, it is possible to ensure the full use of all available components of agricultural raw materials with a minimum receipt of secondary resources and production wastes and to ensure the sustainable development of industry. Deep processing of corn and wheat grain in Russia is the most promising direction, for this a developed raw material base has been created and modern factories for processing these types of raw materials have been built with the production of a significant range of products. The development and introduction into the industry of technologies for deep processing based on diversification of production with obtaining a wide range of products is a key priority for the development of the starch industry in Russia. The need to ensure the development of deep processing of grain is due to a number of factors - this is due to the satisfaction of domestic demand for these products, a decrease in import dependence on grain processing products with high added value, opportunities for entering international markets within the framework of the federal project “Export of agricultural products ". The last decade for the starch industry was marked by an increase in production capacity, modernization of existing enterprises, concentration of production, which expanded the diversification of the industrial economy and ensured good dynamics in the production of main types of products, and increased its competitiveness. A comprehensive solution to the problems facing the industry and bringing it to a new technological structure is possible only with the development of a target development program that will link the use of all types of resources on the basis of modern achievements of scientific and technological progress and new forms of organization of production.