
Issue № 2, February 2023, article № 20


Currently, the Russian economy is facing the urgent task of finding new sources of growth, one of which should be a high-tech and competitive agro-industrial complex. Despite the efforts made by the state in recent years aimed at intensifying scientific and technological development in the agro-industrial complex, a number of problems remain that hinder the solution of strategic tasks of its innovative development, as well as the activation of business initiatives in the industry. At the same time, certain adjustments in the development of innovations in the domestic agricultural sector are being made by the current unfavorable socio-economic situation caused by sanctions, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the general technical and technological lag of the industry. Consequently, without breakthroughs in the development of new technologies, it is extremely difficult to achieve the main goals set for the domestic agroindustrial complex, including the main one - to achieve the country's food security. To solve this problem, it is necessary to form a new innovative management system of the agroindustrial complex of Russia. In the current situation, the policy of scientific and technological development of the domestic agroindustrial complex should be based on the principles of state support. In this regard, many issues of this field of subject research remain relevant, insufficiently elaborated in modern realities. The article presents directions for improving the scientific and technological policy of agriculture, including mechanisms and measures of state support for innovative development, which will contribute to the accelerated formation of an innovative system of agricultural management, as well as reducing the dependence of the industry on imports of scientific and technical developments and increasing the innovative sovereignty of the domestic agro-industrial complex. The issues discussed in the article can be reflected in the strategy of innovative development of the subsectors of the agroindustrial complex of Russia for the period up to 2035.