

The article substantiates the relevance of continuing scientific research on the positive consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic for rural areas, which was conducted by the authors in 2020. Having revealed the similarity of the views of other scientists studied in the course of the study with ours, factual confirmations were found through the study of scientific publications, works, statistical materials. Modern challenges for the development of rural territories and the functioning of the rural economy were also identified, which requires the development of a set of measures aimed at further socio-economic support of the population and economic entities. The purpose of the study is to find evidence of the positive effects of such a negative disease on rural life, to consider the current challenges of rural development and to identify the main effective tools for managing rural development. When writing the arti-cle, monographic, computational-constructive, abstract-logical and statistical-economic research methods were used, as well as methods of system analysis and economic comparison. The result of the study was confirmation of positive changes in rural areas (positive migration growth, an increase in the number of domestic tourist trips, expansion of preferential rural mortgages, strengthening of targeted protection of the population, increased use of the Internet, etc.), and also revealed the impact of a special military operation on agriculture in the border regions of Russia. A set of measures has been developed to stabilize the situation in rural areas associated with all the negative consequences of the ongoing social processes.


The agricultural land market is a system of relations that develop during the interaction of owners, land users, land-owners, tenants, certain levels of supply and demand for land plots, and a mechanism for regulating the processes of buying and selling, pledge, and lease of land. A direct external impact on the agricultural land market is exerted by a subsystem of power structures in the process of registration, supervision, control over transactions, its tools are formal institutions, taxes, decisions, and sanctions. The economic behavior of the subjects of the land market depends on the indirect influence of the information subsystem, the instability of communication with which leads to the emergence of opportunism. The internal structure of the land market is represented by subsystems of property, buyers and tenants, service structures, appraisal, commercial subsystems. The main element-forming processes in the market include pricing, competition, bidding, buying and selling, renting agricultural land, while complementary processes include expertise, appraisal, investment, lending, collateral, and insurance. The interaction of state and market entities is modeled, which provides for the construction of a land scientific and information consulting system aimed at institutional regulation of the agricultural land market, the establishment of stable links between elements. For the purchase, lease of agricultural land, entities can apply to the land scientific and information consult-ing system containing uptodate databases on lands, legal information that helps to establish the fair market value of land plots, place competitive bids, ensure the legality of transactions, comply with state, economic, institutional interests. Several variants of subjects' appeals to the land scientific information consulting system are identified, the effectiveness of which is due to the reduction in transaction costs with its direct and indirect impact.


The article considers the agricultural land market as an independent segment of market relations that ensures the turnover of land plots and land shares between interested entities. The indicators of the land market have been stud-ied and a grouping of market indicators characterizing its state and development trends has been made. It is deter-mined that the land market and its work is associated with the calculation of two groups of indicators: general and particular. Identification of indicators of a general type determines the state of the local land market, and also allows you to assess the level of its business activity and the type of market itself: active / inactive. The declared identification makes it possible to determine the format of bargaining discounts when assessing the value of land and transactions with it, and the analysis of a set of market indicators of a general type gives a complete picture of the current state of the market and determines the possibility of assessing trends and calculating transition coefficients between separate time periods. In the context of the study of indicators of a general type, the terms for their calculation were determined based on the updated value of the exposure period, and the classification of indicators accord-ing to the objects of calculation was made and auxiliary market indicators were determined. In addition to general indicators, indicators of a particular type have been studied, which ensure the formation of the value of land and the nature of the consequences of transactions. In particular, the economic essence and format for calculating the capitalization coefficients for land rent and gross market indicators are determined as the main economic indicators of the value of land as a real estate object. On the basis of the study, the possibility and expediency of calculating these indicators in the process of researching the market for agricultural land in the mechanism of the turnover of objects on the open market was clarified


Small and medium enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SMEs) are an important part of the rural local economy. However, they are still little studied due to the difficulty in obtaining data. The article considers industry employ-ment and labor productivity in terms of revenue and profit from sales in rural and, for comparison, in urban SMEs of the Tambov region in 2018 and 2020 on SPARK data. This made it possible to draw conclusions about which sectors in the SMEs of the region create the main jobs, as well as intersectoral labor productivity, differences in this indica-tor in urban and rural SMEs of the same industries. It is concluded that in both years the main employment was provided by urban SMEs, while rural ones accounted for only a third of workers. Agriculture and manufacturing (mainly food) accumulated more than 70% of all employed in rural SMEs, construction, trade, transport and storage ac-counted for another 22% of the employed. In the city, employment in SMEs is more diversified. Rural SMEs in the region are on average larger than urban ones, mainly due to higher employment per enterprise in agriculture and construction. In terms of revenue per employee, urban SMEs are on average more productive than rural ones in almost all sectors, with the exception of manufacturing, although the gap has narrowed significantly in 2020 compared to 2018. The differences in this indicator are especially large in construction, professional and technical activities, administrative, hotel business and public catering. However, in terms of profit from sales per employee, rural SMEs outperform urban SMEs due to the greater weight of high-income agriculture in the structure, as well as the better performance of manufacturing industries.