
Issue № 12, December 2023, article № 17


At the present stage of economic development, one of the main tasks of state policy is to ensure food independence and security of the country. In these conditions, regulation of the processes of functioning of product subcomplexes, the creation of a balance in the production and consumption of their products becomes relevant. The level of provision of the country with products of the fruit and vegetable canning subcomplex does not meet the requirements of the "Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation" approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 20 of January 21, 2020. The consumption of fruit and vegetable products by the population also lags behind the norms established by the Ministry of Health of Russia. This discrepancy is especially evident if we consider this indicator for the regions of Russia. To achieve these goals, it is necessary to establish the sustainable development of the fruit and vegetable canning subcomplex. This involves concentrating efforts on ensuring the growth of production, increasing investments in the logistics of the enterprises of the subcomplex, in the construction of new modern fruit and vegetable storages, attracting additional labor resources, stimulating them to an effective labor process. The systematic introduction of methods of cooperation and integration into the work of the fruit and vegetable canning subcomplex is caused by the fact that the products of households occupy the largest share in production, and the share of holdings is significant in processing. The article analyzes the development of the fruit and vegetable canning subcomplex of the country. Regional differences in the level of consumption of vegetable and berry products by the population are considered. The changes in the balance of production and use of food resources of vegetable and berry crops for the period from 2017 to 2021 are investigated. The trends of structural changes in the balance sheet over the years have been revealed. The main factors of sustainable development of the fruit and vegetable canning subcomplex of Russia are evaluated.

Issue № 12, December 2023, article № 18


The article examines the key points of the grain deal that was in effect during the year, concluded separately by Russia and Ukraine with Turkey and the UN, its advantages and disadvantages in terms of the development of the domestic grain industry, as well as the main aspects of competitiveness, which were affected by the extension and then the completion of this transaction. The author estimates the economic losses that were incurred by grain farms this year and a number of other key negative trends that accompanied the grain transaction, as a result of which stratification of all factors of competitiveness of Russian grain that were influenced by the geopolitical situation was carried out. The article also examines the price factor of grain competitiveness –that is, the change in wheat prices during the entire period of the grain transaction and after its completion, and based on this conclusions are drawn about the consequences of its both extension and non-extension in the future. The author has established the relationship between various indicators of competitiveness, the parameters of which have changed over the entire period of time since the beginning of the grain transaction, and has proposed a system for assessing the competitiveness of grain products, a distinctive feature of which in the current conditions will be a high degree of dependence on geopolitical conditions and sanctions restrictions.