

Ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products is a strategic state task. In recent years, special attention has been paid to this topic in Russia. President of Russia V.V. Back in 2015, Putin formulated the task of creating a national food quality management system (order dated June 26, 2015 N, Pr-1259). The Federal Law “On the Development of Agriculture” also states that one of the most important goals of domestic agricultural policy is to increase the competitiveness of Russian agricultural products and agricultural producers, and to ensure the high quality of Russian food products. Ensuring the quality of food products is enshrined in the Doctrine of Food Security of Russia, the strategic goal of which is to provide the country's population with safe, high-quality and affordable agricultural products, raw materials and food in volumes that ensure rational standards for food consumption. The doctrine sets the task of creating new technologies for deep and complex processing of food raw materials, methods of storage and transportation of agricultural and fishery products. The strategy for improving the quality of food products in the Russia until 2030 is focused on ensuring adequate nutrition, preventing diseases, increasing the duration and quality of life of the population, stimulating the development of production and circulation of food products of appropriate quality on the market and is the basis for the formation of a national food quality management system products. The imperfection of legal and organizational mechanisms regarding the quality of food products leads to the fact that on the Russian market there is circulation of products that do not meet the established requirements of regulatory documents. The lack of a clear and transparent legislative and regulatory framework does not allow control and supervision authorities to fully ensure appropriate control and prevent low-quality and falsified products from entering the market. In the current conditions, the state must more quickly solve these urgent problems and bring legislative and regulatory regulation in accordance with the requirements of the EAEU states to ensure the quality of food products.


In the presented work, an attempt is made to highlight the methodology and mechanisms for the implementation of updated strategic directions of the agricultural sector of the economy in relation to modern conditions of aggravation of the geopolitical situation and increased sanctions pressure, providing for the need to strengthen the legislative framework for the development of the agricultural sector of the economy. The study examines the prospects for the development of the industry in three stages: before the completion of a special military operation, the period of transition to the stage of formation of conditions and the possibility of allocating resources for the progressive and accelerated development of industries that ensure scientific and technological progress in the country's economy and its agro-industrial complex, and the third – work to achieve long-term goals for the formation of a highly efficient agricultural sector social development of rural areas, the complete elimination of dependence on imports of agricultural products, material and technical resources for the implementation of these goals and the transition to a reasonable export of food products to world markets. The study presents some calculations concerning the volume of state support, production of tractors, grain and forage harvesters necessary to achieve the thresholds of the Russian Federation Food Security Doctrine.


Russian agribusiness has found itself in difficult conditions of geopolitical and macroeconomic pressure, to which it is necessary to adapt. It is advisable to build the process of adaptation of management and production along the path of the lowest costs based on the optimization of internal resources, their full use, which does not require significant financial investments. One of the effective directions of the development of the subjects of the agro-industrial complex is the improvement of planning and forecasting not only in the field of industrial modernization, but also changes in trade and economic relations and ties that affect the forms of partnership, business processes and results. The article is devoted to the development of tools for improving predictive and analytical management processes of the agro-industrial complex based on the introduction and development of existing methods. Scientific and theoretical models of the forecasting and strategic planning process at agribusiness enterprises are proposed, which are interrelated with the results in the form of strategies, plans and recommendations for the development of certain functional areas of commercial activity, production, and expansion of market relations. The elaboration of strategic directions of market integration will contribute to achieving positive effects from cluster and network development, obtaining new managerial project experience, acquiring additional competencies necessary for personnel in the conditions of digital progress, as well as optimizing the distribution of the resource base between the most profitable areas of activity.


The economic problems of resource provision for irrigated agriculture are considered, which includes several sectoral blocks: assessment of the condition of reclaimed irrigated lands; technical needs, state of the irrigation engineering system; personnel and innovation-scientific support of the irrigation system. An assessment of the state of reclaimed irrigated lands is presented, including the dynamics of the area of irrigated lands in the Russian Federation from 1985 to 2021, the qualitative composition of reclaimed irrigated lands in 2020-2022, the dynamics of the share of actually irrigated lands to those actually used in agricultural production from 2013 to 2022. The state of the engineering system and technical support for irrigation, including the technical state of irrigation systems in Russia, is considered, the regions of the Russian Federation are ranked according to the wear and tear of fixed assets of the reclamation system, and the dynamics of the number of sprinklers in Russia in 1990-2022 is presented. An analysis of the staffing of the irrigation system was carried out. Based on the reporting of land reclamation departments in the regions of the Russian Federation from 2013 to 2022, the dynamics of human resources for land reclamation in Russia in 2013-2022 was built. The main problems of resource provision for irrigated agriculture are identified and measures to solve them are proposed: development of legislative restrictions on changing the status of irrigated lands and state support for the involvement of unused irrigated arable land in agricultural production; certification of irrigated lands; the use of innovative methods for increasing fertility, based on the use of effective fertilization systems; the creation in areas of developed irrigated agriculture of organizations specializing in performing this work; specialized training of plant growers, training in universities and colleges of irrigation agronomists who specialize directly in technologies for cultivating crops with the innovative use of irrigation equipment; research breeding centers to initiate work on developing varieties of various agricultural crops adapted to cultivation under irrigation conditions; scientific centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences and agricultural universities are invited to develop a strategy for the development of economic entities operating on irrigated lands in risky areas.


The article assesses labor potential as one of the main elements in the system of increasing the investment attractiveness of agriculture in Russian regions. The development of investment potential in agriculture is of great importance, and labor resources play a key role in it. The quality of labor resources influences labor productivity, the efficiency of agricultural activities and ensuring technological sovereignty in the industry. Consequently, an important condition for economic development is to ensure a high level of labor potential. It is noted that in recent years the problem of shortage of qualified personnel in the agricultural sector has increased; the share of employees in 2021 who had higher education was 14.5%; the number of people employed in agriculture decreased by 30% compared to 2008.The analysis of the labor potential of the agricultural sector was carried out according to the following indicators: the share of people employed in agriculture in the total number of people employed in the economy, labor supply per 100 hectares of agricultural land, the ratio of the average wage per worker in agriculture and the average wage per worker in the region, as well as productivity labor. Based on the above indicators, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were grouped, and the summarized integral indicator was calculated based on the operation of maximization and double standardization, taking into account the influence of each factor on the labor potential of the regions and characterizing the labor potential of agriculture in terms of its investment attractiveness. On this basis, to increase investment attractiveness and increase labor potential, it is necessary to take a number of the following measures: increasing wages and incentive payments to agricultural workers to a level that ensures expanded reproduction of the labor force; creation of decent economic and social living conditions in rural areas; increasing investment in human capital and rural infrastructure.