The article is devoted to the study of the price relations of agriculture with other sectors of agro-industrialcomplex, analyzed the dynamics ofprices in AIC in the period 2008-2017, assessed the parity of relations in AIC onthe basis of existing methodological approaches - the ratio ofprice indices in agriculture and other areas of agricul-ture, comparing the exchange value of wheat and the most important purchased goods of industrial production, devel-oped a methodological approach to determining the cumulative impact of the elements of the economic mechanism onthe state of parity in agriculture.
The article discusses in detail what statistical information is published on the website of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), how the information system is organized, which areas of agricultural produc-tion, trade, agricultural economy, environmental impact are reflected in the dynamics in the FAO databases. The paper provides an opportunity to present the breadth and completeness of the data collected by FAO. In addition, it ispossible to understand how the structure of the FAO databases and how to present statistical information are structured.
European organic agriculture is developing very rapidly. Along with the rapid growth in market volumes,there is a significant imbalance between the current supply of environmentally friendly products and the growing demand for organic food among the population. This article explores the main trends in organic animal husbandry in the EU. The analysis of the dynamics of livestock and the production of main products by industry and country.
As part of the implementation of the Federal Law «On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation»,measures have been initiated to transfer government to project methods. The state program on agriculture has beendetermined as a pilot to work out the mechanisms ofproject management. The article describes the essence of the newmethods recommended for use in government bodies. From these positions, the structure of the pilot state program onagriculture and the management mechanisms incorporated in it are analyzed. It is shown that significant changes inthese mechanisms do not occur. The directions of restructuring planning in agriculture on the basis of models ofproject management, which should provide an increase in the effectiveness and efficiency of state programs, are pro-posed.
The article discusses the scientific basis for the formation of price relations in the agro-industrial complex.The economic theories explaining the models of pricing and cost are investigated: the labor theory of value, the theoryof factors of production, the theory of marginal utility, the theory of balance of supply and demand. Functions ofprice, such as accounting, stimulating, redistributive, supply and demand management are developed. The character-istic of internal and external pricing factors is given. The directions for improving the price relations in the agro-industrial complex have been substantiated.
The article deals with the conceptual approach to the implementation of the instrument of uncoupled supportas an institution of investment development of agriculture in Russia. The need to adjust the existing model of uncoupled support, which based on the compensation of complex agro-technological costs of agricultural producers.
The main factors are identified as components of the «big challenges», among which are: the impact of an-thropogenic pressure on the environment; demographic factors; problems of social stratification; processes to reducethe efficiency and manageability of key infrastructures. Analyzed, in the context of the forms of management of thesecond sphere of the AIC, the use of innovative technologies in business practice. The scientific characteristic of the«big challenges» of an economic and social nature is given, their influence on business entities, market relations anddevelopment of rural territories is established. The basic directions of agro-economic research for the next decade aregrouped, the results of which will allow to confront the new «big challenges» and transform their multifactorial effectsas incentives for the development of agrarian science and the agro-industrial complex of the country.
The article examines in detail, what statistical information is published on the website of the US Departmentof Agriculture, how the information system is arranged, how different agencies that are members of the ministry interact. The article provides an opportunity to present the breadth and completeness of the data collected by the US Ministry of Agriculture.
This article discusses the functioning and development of the market for organic fruits and vegetables in theEuropean Union and the USA. Using the use of an index analysis, the authors assessed the state of the ecological vegetable industry. Comparison ofprices for organic vegetables with analogues produced by traditional technologies.
The relevance of the research topic is due to the insufficient provision of the Eurasian agricultural technology platform (hereinafter, the EATP, Сonsortium) and its projects with the necessary resources: legal, financial, human, logistical, information support and other resources. Effective activity of the EATP can contribute to the creationof conditions for cooperation of business, science, government, public organizations, thus being an innovative tool forthe development and implementation of the results of scientific and technical activities in agriculture of the Eurasianeconomic Union. At the initial stage of the formation of the EATP, its participants were mainly represented by re-search and educational organizations, but for the introduction ofjoint innovative projects in the agricultural production of the EAEU member States, it is necessary to attract business structures (enterprises) to participate in the activities of the EATP. Thus, the aim of the study was to develop proposals to improve the resource provision of the Eura-sian agricultural technology platform. The main results of the study is the author's generalization of the views of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the formation, development and effective functioning of technological platformsin the field of agriculture and their resource provision. According to the results of the study: the author's definition ofthe agricultural technological platform; the scheme reflecting the constituent elements of the resource provision; thedirections of the resource provision of the EATP are presented and proposals for their improvement are given.