
Issue № 4, April 2019, article № 12

State support of the transition of agricultural machines to a gas-motor fuel as one of the directions of increasing energy efficiency in processes of agro-food production

The study is dedicated to state support for the transfer of agricultural machinery to gas engine fuel as one of the ways to increase energy efficiency in the production of agri-food products in Russia. Considered the rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on investment loans received in Russian credit institutions and loans received in agricultural consumer credit cooperatives; concessional lending to agricultural producers at an interest rate on an investment loan and the purchase of compressed natural gas through the mechanism of federal leasing; development of the gas engine fuel market for agricultural producers; regional experience in the transition of agricultural machinery to gas engine fuel. The data on the results of the transition to compressed natural and liquefied hydrocarbon gas of agricultural equipment for a given period of time are presented. The paper presents the data contained in the adopted official documents - Federal Law No. 362-ФЗ “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the period 2019 and 2020", Federal Law No. 459-ФЗ “On the federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period 2020 and 2021 ", resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation; data from the Ministry of Agric ulture of Russia, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, JSC “Rosselkhozbank", JSC “Rosagroleasing", Association “Rosspetsmash", TASS, and ZAO Peasant Vedomosti.