
Issue № 6, June 2019, article № 11

The role and place of information and advisory services to agricultural entities in the digital economy

Increased competition in the international agricultural markets, caused by changes in production and in the national systems of support for agricultural producers of leading countries in the export of food and agricultural raw materials, due to the use of digital technologies, requires the development of adequate measures from the domestic agricultural sector. In this regard, an important role is played by infrastructural institutions, the end result of which is the provision of services. These institutions in the agricultural sector include the information and consulting service. The most important problem of the information and advisory service in Russia is the limited demand for the services of organizations of the information and advisory service related to the short-sighted, in many aspects of the application of digital technologies in the economy, state policy, with the alertness of rural entrepreneurship to information disclosure, including commercial. The purpose of this study is to determine the role and place of information and consulting services in the system of economic relations arising in the digital economy. The main special research method from the field of sociological sciences was the in-depth interview method and the method of secondary interpretation of research results. The author conducted a sociological research as part of a research group led by Academician A.N. Semina. The role of information and advisory services to agricultural entities in the digital economy is in the infra- structural support for the use of technologies (elements) of the digital economy by agribusiness entities. The place of information and advisory services to agricultural entities in the digital economy is determined by the institutional and infrastructural nature of ICS. It can be stated that X is one of the platforms for the functioning of the digital economy, creating and developing specific economic relations. Today the ICS of Russia is underestimated both by the authorities and by potential consumers. Information and consulting services in the digital economy is a system-forming char- acter of specific economic relations. ICS, the basis of the functioning of which is trust, allows us to form the trustworthiness of economic entities of the agro-industrial complex to digital technologies and develop them in order to in- crease competitiveness.

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 1

The production and use of energy from renewable sources in rural areas of foreign countries

Implementation of renewable energy sources is one of the most progressively developing area of the world energy system. Within a decade (2007-2017) global consumption of renewables for electricity generation (not including hydroenergy) increased 4,5 times while total primary energy supply was grown only by 17‰. World liquid biofuels (bioethanol, biodiesel) production more than doubled being significantly ahead the growth of conventional motor fuel. Major of global renewable energy is generated on rural territories. Rural territories also is noticeable user of this energy if you consider not only agricultural production but residential, local trade, social infrastructure, transport, construction, mining and quarrying fuel and energy demands as well. The renewables are very important for sustainable development of rural territories since in many cases they could be autonomous energy sources, more friendly for the environment being compared with conventional non renewable energy sources, contribute to creation of additional jobs and often are significant alternative source of income for farmers and other rural inhabitants. The paper mainly deals with potentially most attractive renewables for rural territories including solar, wind, biofuels and wastes. Relevant foreign experience in context of socioeconomic, technological and ecological factors is studied. The main steps to support the development of renewables in rural areas of Russia are outlined.

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 2

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 4

Public support to agricultural energy resources as a measure energy efficiency in processes production of agricultural products

The study is devoted to state support for the provision of agricultural producers of energy resources as a measure of increasing energy efficiency in the production of agri-food products in Russia. Considered the previously existing rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for reimbursement ofpart of the cost ofpaying interest on short-term loans received from Russian credit institutions and loans received in agricultural consumer credit cooperatives; preferential loans to agricultural producers at the interest rate on short-term loans and subsidies for the purchase of energy resources at a rate per 1 hectare of sown areas, taking into account the soil-climatic and other conditions of crop production (unrelated support); regional experience of state support for providing agricultural producers with energy resources; government measures to curb the growth of prices for fuel and electricity. The paper presents the data contained in the adopted official documents - Federal Law No. 362-ФЗ “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the period 2019 and 2020", Federal Law No. 459-ФЗ “On the federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period 2020 and 2021 ", resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation; data of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Rosstat, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, JSC Rosselkhozbank, PJSC Sberbank of Russia; agronomic and agroengineering meeting and parliamentary hearings on the theme “Food security of the Russian Federation and increasing agricultural exports: legal aspects" in 2019; XXIX Congress AKKOR.

Issue № 5, May 2019, article № 5

Analysis of the contentof the influence of the information and consulting service on the effectiveness of the participation of economic entities of the agro-industrial complex in public procurement

The article presents the results of a study of the possibilities of interaction - the economic partnership of rural entrepreneurs and organizations of the information and advisory service of the agro-industrial complex in the framework of meeting municipal and state needs. The purpose of the study is to determine the content of the influence of the information and consulting service on the effectiveness of the participation of economic entities in the agroindustrial complex in public procurement. The results were obtained in the course of a multi-year experiment in the study of economic and legal relations within the framework of the federal contractual system of Russia, with the direct participation of the author. It also presents an analysis of the current situation of agricultural suppliers in the sectoral structure of participants in tender procedures to meet the needs of the authorities and local self-government. The author's development is the determination of the content of the influence of the information and consulting service on the effectiveness of the participation of economic entities in the agro-industrial complex in public procurement. The author’s vision of the mechanism for implementing the considered VIC and agribusiness partnership is the creation of agropolises. The article expresses the idea of updating the philosophy of management of all participants in the public procurement institution, in general, and the federal contract system, in particular. The results of the study presented in the article are interesting for the study and application by specialists of the information and advisory service of the agro-industrial complex and business entities of the agro-industrial complex of all forms of ownership.